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Released May 5th

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“May I live this day compassionate of heart, clear in word, gracious in awareness, courageous in thought, generous in love.”

— John O’Donohue

The Newest Album by Kevin Wood

Combines sacred and tribal chant with classical instrumentation to create a memorable musical landscape. Featuring ten guest artists – including renowned cellists Jami Sieber and South Africa’s Francois le Roux. Every song is sure to transport you to beautiful and enchanting realms of peace.

“ETERNAL represents my spiritual journey of transformation. Along my heart-felt quest, I reexamined my soul’s path and began emerging from a spiritual crisis. With prayer and meditation, I found peace in the stillness and began to trust in Spirit. I began to heal and sense the breath of the Divine. It was an awareness accompanied by a profound feeling of Love’s Embrace and Grace Eternal that awakened my creative spirit, and was the inspiration behind the songs of ETERNAL.”
– Kevin Wood

Light Shines Through


Kevin shares his inspiration for Light Shines Through 


The Making of Eternal

Kevin Wood shares his process of recording, taking us from the technical to the beauty of the sound.

Grace Eternal

A classic rendition inspired by the deep sense of Eternal Grace that flowed through me during meditation and prayer


Eternal has a richness of tone and a smoothness of harmonic spirit that will attract listeners far and wide to its beautiful energies and lush melodies, each arrangement is built so artistically that they will manifest layer upon layer of brilliance to be moved further by.”

Steve Sheppard

One World Music

“sumptuous. . . immense scope and sonic magnitude.”

Robert Silverstein

“I liked it very much at first, and after listening over and over I like it even more. It is very elaborate, and very well produced! Very interesting and complex- hence it grew on me over time as I discovered more and more about it.”
Bette Timm

New Age Promoter

“Every song on ETERNAL is brilliant. It’s like a magic carpet or a tapestry.”

Robert Silverstein

“I love, love, love this album and have been listening to it since I got the review copy. WOW!”
Lenora W.

Music Buyer, New Leaf Distributing

offering a peaceful place for the listener to open up to their own inner spiritual journey”

Michael Foster

Ambient Visions

Jon Birge

Hearts of Space Records

“This is really great stuff!  These tunes are rich, lush and exotic. I can tell the work, time and love put into this project. I’m a big Jami Seiber fan so was nice to hear her on the album as well. I’m working on my first album release in a few years so it was great inspiration to listen!”
Michael Brandt DeMaria

4-time Grammy nominated, Sounds True Artist

“Really gorgeous”
Michael Whalen

two-time Emmy winner

“We love Eternal. . . The tracks are really great!  A wonderful progression from the previous trio [of albums by Kevin].”
Lloyd Barde


“Really gorgeous”

Michael Whalen

two time Emmy winner

“I’ve been listening to your album.  It is really brilliant and I especially like the song ‘In Search of Meaning’.”
Jon Birge

Valley Entertainment, Hearts of Space Records

“This is for sure one of this year’s most interesting releases! Kevin’s many fans have a lot to look forward to.”

BT Fasmer

“Sounds awesome!”
Paul Avgerinos

Grammy winning Artist

I keep listening to it, as it combines all those things I tenderly love about music, myself, and is healing…Bravo…and thank you for sharing this gorgeous music with the rest of us.

Zan Agzagian

Producer/Host, Soundspace with Zan

The one world global fusion nature of Eternal is magical to behold
Steve Sheppard

One World Music

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